Sunday 6 October 2013

Technological Wizard Attracts Entrepreneurs

His drone can fly 10 kms. at a time within a radius of 5 kms. and can take high resolution clear photographs of ground objects from a height of 5000 feet and can instantly relay them back to its ground operator. But the young technologist has failed to get any response from DRDO ( Defense Research and Development Organization - India ) for financial help and his appeal for support  from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for value addition to his flying machine has also been turned down since he is yet to achieve the B.Tech. degree.

Subhanjan Saha with his drone at Eco Park, Kolkata

However, the indomitable spirit of Subhanjan Saha, a third year Computer Science student of a Kolkata college has attracted dozens of entrepreneurs who find immense commercial potential in the proven abilities of the drone and scope for further improvement. By dint of a social network, the young man of a weaver family of rural Bengal has roped in  entrepreneurs who want to use the flying machine to keep vigil in their factory premises and for park surveillance purposes where CCTV is useless.

The 2- meter long miniature drone with a wing span of 3- meters can store data and fitted with instrument to measure weather condition and night vision. It can also response ground command from a remote control device. The flying machine's cost is Rs.90,000/- ( US $ 1450).

With the help of superior technology the inventor is now working on bomb-dropping and rocket-launching capabilities of his drone. Subhanjan believes that at the present stage of development of his drone it can be a good help for defense forces for surveillance and security purposes in inhospitable, inaccessible and enemy-infested areas.

Update: RC India community, a community for Indian aeromodellers, strongly denies the claim of Mr. Subhanjan Saha of flying his drone beyond visual range. 


  1. Subhanjan Saha is exploiting the ignorance of media about Aeromodelling hobby. He has blocked his facebook account itself to users like us who aware and have achieved real progress in aeromodelling to keep his Hoax alive, since he was getting exposed when confronted with veracity of 10 Kms range and 5000 ft tall claims to media where he is flying only RC plane demonstration for only 200mtrs within visual range. When he has not even flown beyond visual range on video downlink feedback all tall claims of drone and bomb dropping and surveillance are all total sham. He needs to atleast fly 5 Kms beyond visual range to prove a worth while demonstration. He should at least take part in MUAV competitions organized for students by DRDO&NAL to know what other colleges and universities are doing. With his contraption he is very unlikely to win the Rs 3 lacs prize money but at least he can prove his worth of his claim by flying 5Kms beyond visual range. Various members of aeromodelling association of India have already conveyed our Strong views of Concern to times of India. We have voiced our opinion so strongly only because all the correct advice and comments given to saha have been systematically blocked or deleted by saha to keep this hype alive. If only Mr saha had dedicated this amount of zeal which he has invested here in showcasing this case rather on learning finer aspects and developing capability of his model and developing his flying skills he would achieved great success. Then he had to only prove his model to agencies which require the tech purely based on capability not adopt coercion tactics based on media hype. It is no wonder DRDO is not paying any head to this Hyperventilation to ignorant media and masses.

  2. This is all scam by Subhanjan Saha. he is manipulating media. Does the above plane look like 2mts plane? if he says about 10km range, why he is flying only 200 mts.

    he never fly plane beyond his vision, and claiming bogus things. He is deleting all his accounts, comments as people catch him with his bogus claim's.

    To the people who don't know know much about this, its just simple aero-modelling he is doing; The above setup doesn't cost more than 15-20 k including camera to radio.

    if you see any live page of him, there will be no comments from the it/engineering students or pro, only from the people who doesn't know about this hobby.

    he is just scumbag. what a shame in name of Bengal !!!!

  3. For SAHA
    what are you studying........?B'Tech........?
    u f......g c.....
    do you know the abbreviation of UAV.....?
    your model is a piece of shit there are lots of people who can build better then this under 15k
    even a school kid can do better then this
